Central Yavapai ACT-UP
Active Transportation Plan


Visit Our Online Open House!

We want to hear your thoughts and share the progress on work conducted as part of ACT-UP. Your feedback will help shape the walking and bicycling improvements that will be recommended as part of the Plan.

Click here to access our online open house.

Central Yavapai Act Up Logo



What is Central Yavapai ACT-UP?

The Central Yavapai Metropolitan Planning Organization (CYMPO) is serving as the lead agency in the development of the Central Yavapai Active Community Transportation-Unified Plan (ACT-UP). ACT-UP was initiated to help develop a nonmotorized transportation network that links communities, provides travel options, and supports broader regional health, mobility, and equity goals. Working with local jurisdictions, the ATP will help improve, expand, and connect the region’s active transportation system. Ultimately, ACT-UP aims to:

  • Make it safer for people to walk and bike in their communities and improve access to transit facilities.
  • Create a prioritized list of feasible improvement projects to guide investment decisions.
  • Provide realistic, non-automobile travel options for our residents and visitors to access work, school, shopping, and healthcare.

Click here to download the project fact sheet.

Project Schedule

The following is a tentative timeline for the ACT-UP. Any updates to this timeline will be posted here.

Act-Up Timeline

Outreach Events and Opportunities

Check back for opportunities to participate in our community engagement activities!

Project Updates

The project team is currently conducting an analysis of existing active transportation conditions in the CYMPO region, including an assessment of existing facilities, travel patterns, safety, accessibility, and barriers to walking and bicycling.

Important Documents

Please check back here to see project documents as they are made available.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is active transportation?

Active transportation includes any self-propelled, human-powered mode of transportation that engages people in active participation, including walking, biking, jogging, skateboarding, inline skating, transit, and the use of wheelchairs.  Just as roads connect motorists to destinations, active transportation networks allow the public to travel without the use of a car.

Why is active transportation important?

Active transportation is an important component to the overall mobility of a community and region, providing a low-cost and accessible form of transportation. Investing in walking, biking, and other forms of active transportation results in a more balanced, accessible transportation system. Active transportation benefits also include the alleviation of socioeconomic and health disparities, the support of economic diversity and prosperity, and assists in creating a more livable and sustainable community. 

Will the plan create new trails?

The focus of ACT-UP is improving and expanding the network of on-street walking and biking facilities and connections. However, the plan will also examine opportunities to improve connectivity to off-street trails for people walking and biking.

Contact Us

If you have a comment to make regarding Central Yavapai ACT-UP, please leave that below. We may not directly reply to your comment, but please know that all comments will at least be read & considered. Comments with false sender information (i.e. fake name, email, or phone) will not be considered and will be deleted.

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