Notices of CYMPO Meetings

Public Notice of CYMPO Meetings

Special Note: Until further notice, all meetings are being held remotely.  The public is invited to watch meetings during a live stream via YouTube, or may view the recorded meeting after the event. Live stream and recorded meetings are available on our YouTube channel:

  • Executive Board, Technical Advisory Committee, and Ecosystem Connectivity Mitigation Advisory Committee Meetings are posted at:
    • CYMPO Administration Office, 1971 East Commerce Center Circle, Suite E, Prescott, AZ
  • Additionally, public notice of CYMPO Executive Board meetings is posted at:
    • Yavapai County Administration Offices, 1015 East Fair Street, Prescott, AZ

Executive Board Meetings

Technical Advisory Committee Meetings

  • Click here for detailed TAC meeting information
  • September 10, 2020, TAC Meeting CANCELLED
  • October 1, 2020, Special TAC Meeting (agenda to come)
  • Special Note: All meetings are being held remotely and online until further notice.  The public is welcome to watch the meetings during a live stream, as well as viewing the recorded meeting after the event. Live stream and recorded meetings will be available on our YouTube channel.

Ecosystem Connectivity Mitigation Advisory Committee Meetings

  • Click here for detailed EMAC meeting information
  • September 28, 2020, EMAC Meeting
  • Special Note: All meetings are being held remotely and online until further notice.  The public is welcome to watch the meetings during a live stream, as well as viewing the recorded meeting after the event. Live stream and recorded meetings will be available on our YouTube channel.



A majority/quorum of the Central Yavapai Metropolitan Planning Organization Executive Board, Technical Advisory Committee and/or Ecosystem Connectivity and Mitigation Advisory Committee may/will be in attendance at the following:

September 16, 2020: CYMPO Board Executive Session to be held via Zoom at 3:00pm. This meeting will not be open to the public pursuant to A.R.S. 38-481.03(A) (1).

October 1, 2020: CYMPO TAC Special Meeting to be held via Zoom at 8:00am. Members of the public may view this meeting by YouTube live stream by accessing: