Sundog Connector Information

Sundog Connector Logo

For questions, please contact:

Matt Bondy, Project Manager

For language translations or accommodations, call (928) 442-5730
Para traducciones de idioma o apoyos especiales, llame al (928) 442-5730
Page Updated June 12, 2024 

Sundog Connector
Design Concept Report & Environmental Overview Report

Updated February 23, 2024: The Central Yavapai Metropolitan Planning Organization (CYMPO) Sundog Connector Design Concept Report (DCR) describes the development and evaluation of the proposed future corridor, Sundog Connector. This report is created by AECOM for CYMPO. The document is a 95MB PDF document, so please be patient when downloading.

Click here to download the report

What is the Sundog Connector?

The Sundog Connector is a proposed east-west corridor that connects the City of Prescott to the Town of Prescott Valley. This proposed corridor would provide additional east-west connectivity as the region continues to grow, provide access and circulation for approved development, facilitate emergency response, and provide additional access for existing homes north of SR 69.

The Central Yavapai Metropolitan Planning Organization (CYMPO) is preparing a design concept report (DCR) and environmental overview (EO) to review the project’s purpose and need, develop potential corridor alignments and design elements, and incorporate public feedback. A DCR/EO is a planning step in the project development process.

Project Area: Selected Alternative 3

Project Alternative

This page will be updated with information regarding the Sundog Connector Corridor.  Any new studies, news, meeting plans, or other information will be posted here.

Project Updates

The final draft report was posted for public review for a two week period in late January 2024. The AECOM consultant team presented the project analysis and final draft Design Concept Report to the CYMPO Executive Board at its February 28th meeting; the Board voted unanimously to receive the final Design Concept Report and Environmental Overview.


In 2013, the City of Prescott and ADOT conducted the Sundog Connector Corridor Study (26MB, 216 page PDF). This project follows up that study by preparing a conceptual design for further consideration.

On May 10th our project’s Technical Advisory Team and chosen consultant, AECOM, met to kickoff this project and identify critical community stakeholders.

Stakeholders identified for this project include representatives from HOAs, local planning agencies, community and affinity interest groups, emergency response, and area businesses.


Project Newsletters

Newsletter #5 – August, 2023
Newsletter #4 – November, 2022
Newsletter #3 – August, 2022
Newsletter #2 – June, 2022
Newsletter #1 – May, 2022

Sundog / EMAC Meeting August 8, 2023

Please click here to download a PDF copy of the Powerpoint slides used in the recent EMAC meeting held on August 8, 2023. Slides feature a few additional details on items discussed in this study.

Watch the recorded video of the meeting here (YouTube).

Why We Engage Stakeholders in Our Planning Process

Provide Expertise
Stakeholders are a wealth of knowledge about current processes, historical information, and industry insight.

Reduce and Uncover Risks and Challenges
Identifying obstacles and developing a mitigation plan will dramatically increase the success of our project. Involving knowledgeable stakeholders during this process will help.

Increase Project Success
Getting buy-in by engaging stakeholders early and often, we have a better chance of meeting needs and expectations of the design concept.

Fast Facts

Two Ends Constructed:

  • Year 2000 – at E SR 69 near Home Depot
  • Year 2010 – at Prescott Lakes Parkway

Study Area: 3.5 total miles

Q: What is a Design Concept Report?

A: A DCR records the design concepts for major aspects of the project that might be worth developing as detailed designs. This DCR will take place over the next 18 months.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is The Sundog Connector Going to be built as soon as the DCR is complete?

No commitment to construct the Sundog Connector has been made beyond this DCR project. No funds have been identified for construction.

Why was a DCR completed?

This project is identified as a priority project in our Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and is based on the 2013 Sundog Connector Corridor Study conducted by the City of Prescott. During our 2021 strategic planning retreat with our Executive Board (made up of elected officials from the Quad-Cities and County) and Technical Advisory Committee, this project was chosen as a priority to study further. To help the decision makers evaluate next steps in our region, this DCR is running in tandem with the SR69 Master Corridor Plan scheduled to kick-off this fall.

Sundog Connector DCR & EO List of Stakeholders

  • Prescott Police
  • ADOT Local District Engineer’s Office
  • Yavapai Hills, Stone Ridge, Prescott Lakes HOA Reps
  • Prescott Pedestrian/Bike Technical Advisory Committee
  • Yavapai Trails Association
  • Commercial business owners near Sundog Terminus points
  • Gisi Development
  • Town/City Council Members
  • CAFMA fire and medical response – Prescott Valley
  • Community Development/Planning staff/Parks and Rec. Staff/Administrators from Prescott and Prescott Valley
  • Chambers of Commerce in Prescott and Prescott Valley
  • Sierra Club
  • Prescott Valley Citizens Alliance
  • Citizens Water Advocacy Group
  • Fire Chief Holger Durre – City of Prescott
  • Save the Dells
  • ADOT Utility Coordinators
  • Arizona State Land
  • APS
  • Prescott Saddle Club
  • Granite Dells Preservation Foundation
  • Prescott Audubon Society
  • Sundog TAC (STAC) – consisting of our TAC plus planning, public works, and other area staff
  • Sundog Disconnect Group
  • Storm Ranch Development
Sundog Connector Corridor Updates